Tour Day 701. Life

We come into this world 

Full of hope and promise. 

From our first steps 

Always moving and changing. 


We are deeply loved

Just for who we are. 

Parents, teachers, friends

Help us grow and learn

In their unique ways. 


We interpret the world 

Through childlike minds

Sometimes believing 

Lessons that are not ours. 


Decades later

We still believe those stories.  

Leading us down paths 

We would regret later.  


Yet, with minds Renewed 

And our faces turning Home 

We see our Father running 

Welcoming our Return. 


No matter our history or 

Choices we failed to make.  

We still have today 

And perhaps tomorrow 

To share new lessons.  


Lessons of Hope and promise. 

Of hard times redeemed. 

How what was lost, so lost 

Has now been found. 

And is useful in Your Hands. 


For whatever time 

We have left on earth 

Let us cherish & savor 

Ways we can help others. 

For this, my friend is

Our one precious 



Tour Day 702. Love


Tour Day 700. Renew