Tour Day 724. Stillness
The best time of day?
A matter of debate.
For some, it is before dawn
Others, just before rest.
Tour Day 723. Acceptance
So much of our struggles
Come from life not turning out
How we thought it should
With unmet expectations.
Tour Day 722. Gift
Our lives are filled
With suggestions of ways
We can make lives better
If only we would buy.
Tour Day 720. Beloved
Twenty boxes in a row
Decorated in red and white
Each adorned with a heart
A Valentine’s mailbox awaits.
Tour Day 718. Silence
We live in an era with
A constant stream of
Never ending and
Tour Day 717. Desire
There are longings
We believe in deeply.
Good. Honorable.
Worthy goals.
Tour Day 716. Turn
Our goals can
Take us places
We never imagined.
Even far away
From our Home.
Tour Day 715. Friends
In our culture
We are taught
Self-reliance is best.
Depending on others is
A sign of weakness.
Photo Credit: Teresa McCloy